Ironman Chris Nikic has been running towards his goals all month after completing the Boston Marathon and releasing his new book “One Percent.” What a better time to keep breaking barriers than October – Down Syndrome Awareness month. At 22 years of age, he has accomplished massive successes with being the first person with Down Syndrome to complete the Ironman; receiving his ESPY & Jimmy V award, being an Adidas athlete, and now prepping for the NY marathon. Aside from running, Chris is a motivational speaker, in which you can hear a glimpse of in the new hip-hop record with Rob Twizz.

It’s a family affair on this new collaboration with Chris Nikic and Rob Nikic aka Rob Twizz with their new musical composition “One Percent.” The song starts off and finishes strong with Chris bringing on the motivation and crediting Jimmy V’s classic “Don’t ever give up.” Rob Twizz drops in a verse showing support for the one percent movement rapping “I don’t give myself the option to lose, if I could do it than I’m inspiring you.” The song represents the One Percent movement created by Chris and his father Nik Nikic whom believe if you push your goal to just be one percent better every day, at the end of the year you will reach a higher potential than you could have imagined. Rob Twizz – a veteran in the music industry took this theory and brought it to life out the speakers. The song breaks down beautifully with progression of a speech, to a verse, to a powerful chorus climax and ends with some great words from Chris.

The new song “One Percent” by Chris Nikic and Rob Twizz is available for pre-order on iTunes and is set to release on all music platforms on Friday 10/22. In addition, the new book “One Percent” is also available on Amazon and
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