Adrian Gabriel

Exclusive: Interview with Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

The book is now available free on Amazon! Order your copy now.

4 mins read

Just American News recently got a chance to interview author Adrian Gabriel Dumitru in regard to his book ‘Mr & Mrs FREUD: in love … but still playing psychological games‘. We got insights into his book, his source of inspiration and much more!

Q. Welcome to Jukebox Mind! How are you doing?

All amazing. Really happy we could connect. I am honored.

Q. Your new book “Mr & Mrs FREUD: in love … but still playing psychological games” is now available on Amazon. Please tell us about your book.

It’s all about a real story. And the psychological games played while we are into a relationship. Even in good relationships. The ones with beautiful trends. Maybe the main message of the book is to pay attention at the unconscious side of our partners. And try to be better actors on the stage of life.

Q. How has your life changed since you started writing? Can you share a memorable moment or a significant event in your writing career that had a profound impact on you?

I’ve written 66 books till now. I also have 6-7 in progress. For me writing is a self therapy… and I enjoy it. By years. And … I’ll continue doing it.

Q. Who are your favorite authors, and why?

Zig Ziglar inspired me with his style after reading a book of essays written by him. I write in the same style. Short essays. And the book itself is a collection of essays on a certain subject.

Q. What daily routines or habits keep your creativity flowing?

I analyze life a lot. People around me. But also my behavior on the stage of life.

Q. Finally, as we ask all our guests on Jukebox Mind, do you have any closing thoughts that you would like to share with the world and our readers?

Anyone can be a philosopher. Or a psychologist. Analyzing our own lives. And… it’s so damn important to do it. The book we are talking about now… is a clear example of that. I’ve done it. You should try it also. Your analysis helps a lot. Firstly to improve life and have a better existence.

About the author: I’ve started to write my first book at 16 … but then … realizing i could not publish it … i’ve abandoned the idea of being a … writer.

20 years later … i’ve started to write again … believing i will finally succeed … but i’ve failed one more time … not getting the success i was chasing for.

Another 5 years later … i’ve started one more time to write … but this time … more as a therapy.

It’s what i’ve defined as … self therapy.

The book is now available free on Amazon! Order your copy now:

Mr & Mrs FREUD: in love … but still playing psychological games

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