Just American News is proud to feature the stunning music of rising artist Inés Hall today. Known for her soulful indie folk songs that evoke a wide range of emotions, Inés Hall has recently released her new single, Both In Bed. We were fortunate enough to get a sneak peek (or shall we say sneak listen!) of the track and were captivated by its sheer dynamism.
The song begins with a soft, subtle guitar intro that gently draws listeners into a sonic journey alongside the artist. From there, Inés Hall’s voice takes center stage, weaving its magic with scintillating vocal nuances that immediately capture attention. The arrangement is minimal yet infused with an innovative melodic structure, creating a distinct and memorable vibe.
The lyrics explore themes of nostalgia and the sweetness of shared embraces, conjuring a bygone era of cherished memories that linger in the mind. Especially the lines, “As the loneliness gets closer do you fill it with the warmth of their skin? Or do lay in darkness and picture our silhouettes get closer?” And this creates a jarring effect in the heart and sends a whirlpool of sentiments that certainly provoke an acute thrill in the psyche of the listener.
And then when she sings, “I’m sleeping and dreaming of you, wondering if I could lay next to you, both in bed,” she paints a vivid picture of togetherness — a snapshot of life drawn from the memory pool, even when such moments aren’t possible in the present.
This is the hallmark of true artistry, and Inés Hall delivers it masterfully. She provides a firsthand musical glimpse into a personal emotional space, allowing listeners to connect deeply with her world. Her ability to open a window into her creative process, filled with rich emotional overtones, is both rare and remarkable. Music becomes the ideal medium for Inés Hall to convey this fire within, a universal spark that resides in all humans.
Compared to her previous hits ‘in the end’ (which had more upbeat melodic structure and slightly different vocal nuances) and ‘What They’ll Think of Us’, Inés Hall has definitely embarked on a creative trajectory from her usual composition style. She is particularly innovative with her expressive voice and arrangement style, blending folk storytelling elements with her own original approach.
Listening to Both In Bed on repeat quickly becomes irresistible (and we recommend you try it). The addictive quality of the song is undeniable. Whether it’s the poignant lyrics, her entrancing voice, the intricacy of the melodic structure, or the authenticity that permeates the track, the result is a song that touches the heart deeply.
The pure emotional experience created by Both In Bed is nothing short of mesmerizing. This song is now streaming on Spotify and is featured on our official Spotify playlist. We highly recommend diving into this beautiful track and letting it take you on a heartfelt journey.
Do check out the song now!
“I use music as therapy. Sometimes it’s really hard for me to be vulnerable but then I can pick up a guitar and say it all. With Both in Bed I wrote the song in 30 minutes and it just flowed out and felt so right. It is a short song lyrically but I think it says so much in that short amount, the yearning and wondering when going through a break up. Although Both in Bed took 30 minutes, some of my songs can take me months to finish, it’s all about the flow and getting out what needs to be said.” – Inés Hall

For more details and updates about new music releases follow the artist on her official social media: