Dwayne Burks-Green

In conversation with Dwayne Burks-Green, Author of ‘Bet On You!’

7 mins read

Just American News got a chance to interview author Dwayne Burks-Green in regard to his books ‘Bet On You!’ and ‘Revitalize Your Health’. We got insights into his books, his source of motivation and much more!

Q. Welcome to Jukebox Mind! Your first book, Bet On You!, focuses on overcoming fear and becoming the ‘real’ person one wants to be. Can you share a personal experience that inspired you to write this book?

Thank you for this opportunity Jukebox Mind.

“Bet on you” was inspired by my own personal journey of transition from employee to entrepreneurship. All of the ideas listed in the book, reflect the step by step processes I went through in order to develop as an entrepreneur.

Q. Writing and publishing a book can be a daunting process. What were some of the biggest challenges you faced while working on Bet On You! and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenges faced were overcoming the self-doubt and limiting beliefs. I honestly felt like an imposter due to the fact that it was my first book and it was so much that I did not know about the book publishing process. I was able to overcome the mental blocks by reminding myself the reason why I wanted to write a book in the first place. My second book process was much easier due to the fact that I made so many mistakes with my first book.

Q. Your second book Revitalize Your Health explores the transformative power of intermittent fasting and a low-carb lifestyle in reversing type 2 diabetes. What motivated you to tackle such a health-centric topic, and what impact do you hope your readers will experience from this book?

The motivation behind my second book “Revitalize Your Health” came from my own experience as a Type 2 Diabetic. My health began to fail at the end of 2023. At the time, I did not know the cause of all my health issues during that time. I ended up receiving a T2 Diabetes diagnosis at the beginning of 2024. Upon receiving this diagnosis, I decided on a holistic approach to improve my health. I did extensive trials and research until I was able to find a solution to my health crisis. I documented my journey and ended up releasing my book in April 2024 upon finding out that my T2 Diabetes was in remission. My hope is that my trials and research will empower T2 Diabetics to take control of their health and holistically health their body.

Q. What advice would you give to aspiring writers who are looking to address complex and deeply personal subjects in their own work? How can they effectively translate their experiences and knowledge into impactful writing?

The advice I would give to aspiring writers is to start. Stop overthinking and start writing. You are not going to know everything about the book publishing progress at first but that’s ok. Starting is the hardest part. Another piece of advise  to future authors is to keep their book aspirations to themselves until the book is complete. Negative nancies and Doubters will try to discourage you if you tell them about your goals before you get started.

Q. What next? Which book or projects are you working on now?

I’m currently working on getting more interviews and speaking engagements. I also plan to release a childrens book about T2 Diabetes.

Q. Lastly, as we ask all our guests on our platform, do you have any closing thoughts that you would like to share with the world and our readers?

In closing, I would like to extend my gratitude to all the readers who have taken the time to delve into the pages of “Bet on You” and “Revitalize Your Health”. My hope is that these books have not only provided valuable insights and knowledge but also ignited a flame of inspiration within each reader. Remember, your goals and dreams are within reach, and it is up to you to take the necessary steps to turn them into reality. Embrace the journey, stay committed, and never underestimate the power of your own potential. Thank you for joining me on this transformative adventure.

About ‘Revitalize Your Health’: In this groundbreaking book, discover the transformative power of combining intermittent fasting and a low-carb lifestyle to reverse type 2 diabetes. Through insightful guidance and practical strategies, embark on a journey towards reclaiming your health, restoring balance, and reshaping your future.

About ‘Bet On You!’: Are you tired of going to work? Do you feel like there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing? Maybe you have dreams of starting a business? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, keep reading to find out how you can make your dreams a reality! Sometimes, we as employees feel the urge to do more with our lives but either don’t know what to do or are paralyzed by fear. Bet On You! will help outline the steps needed to overcome that fear and become the “real” person you have always wanted to be.

The books are now available on Amazon! Grab your copies now:

Bet On You!

Revitalize Your Health

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