In the vast sea of literary works, there are those gems that resonate deeply, echoing the beauty and fleeting nature of life itself. One such masterpiece is the poetry book, “Life Changes”, by author Susan Apurado.
In “Life Changes”, Susan Apurado crafts a tapestry of modern prose and verse that resonates with the ebb and flow of life’s seasons. Delving deep, Apurado illuminates the wellsprings of her muse—be it her passions, struggles, aspirations, or dreams. Her poetic tapestry revels in life’s joyous peaks and somber valleys. Guided by her profound insights, readers traverse a path to introspection, evaluating their own life’s crescendos and troughs, celebrating achievements, embracing imperfections, and evolving in perspective.
The book is now available on Barnes and Noble, iBookstore, Google Play, Ingram, and Amazon!
Order your copy now: Life Changes