Imogen Whittaker

Recommended Reading: “Strings and Dreams” by young musician and author Imogen Whittaker

Imogen Whittaker, is an 11-year-old author and musician, who is inviting readers and music lovers on an incredible adventure in her new book, “Strings and Dreams.” This isn’t just a story; it’s a journey through the world of melodies and dreams.

1 min read

Just American News is today featuring young musician and author Imogen Whittaker’s new book Strings and Dreams.

One of the key lessons I’ve learned and shared in my book is the importance of self-acceptance. There’s a quote that I created, and it has become a guiding principle for me: ‘Why are you so scared for others to accept you when you should only be scared because you can’t even accept yourself?’ This quote encapsulates the idea that self-acceptance is the first step toward expressing your passion for music or anything else in life.

About the author: Imogen Whittaker, is an 11-year-old author and musician, who is inviting readers and music lovers on an incredible adventure in her new book, “Strings and Dreams.” This isn’t just a story; it’s a journey through the world of melodies and dreams.

About the book: Strings and Dreams isn’t just about my story; it’s about the power of perseverance, the support of family, and the belief that anyone can achieve their dreams. Whether you’re 8 or 88, my reflections and insights will resonate with you, inspiring you to chase your passions. So, parents, don’t just read this book to your 8-year-olds—read it with them. Let’s explore the world of music together, one strum at a time.” – Imogen Whittaker.

Order your copy on Amazon now: Strings and Dreams

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