The Employee Retention Credit
ERC or ERTC was approved by Congress and revised with two ACTS of Congress to improve regulatory on access to the funds.
Most CPAs and Tax professionals are unaware of the changes and many have been telling clients they do not qualify.
Who is double checking your taxes for you to make sure all the tax credits, tax incentives and tax savings that you deserve you are getting?
Jorns and Associates CPAs have completed over 8000 firms. Generating over $5 billion in tax refunds for clients.

Jace T McDonald team servicing business owners in Alaska and throughout American with niche market services to help small businesses thrive.
Up to $26,000 per employee you can qualify for even if you made profits and got PPP money in the first or second rounds.
Are you registered for your final Cares Act Funds?
Why not?
You can see short video, register and pay a small refundable deposit to see if you qualify. Have the experts with software cross check what you are doing and how much money you are owed.
Payroll Tax Savings: Are you missing out on this also?
$573 per employee savings per year you are missing out on. Why?
If you have more then 8 employees you deserve to see how much of these added funds could help your business this upcoming year. see short video and get educated on the $1 Trillion dollar small business giveaway.
Article by Jace T. Mcdonald best selling author.