Just American News got a chance to interview artist Jean Johnson. We got insights into her documentary, her journey in life and much more!
Q. First of all, welcome! It is wonderful to have you on our platform. How are you doing?
Jean Johnson: Thank God I’m doing well, and thank you for having me.
Q. The new documentary The Jean Johnson Story is amazing and really inspiring. It reveals the truth about the entertainment industry! Kindly share your thoughts about the documentary.
Jean Johnson: The documentary shares with others, things that happened in my life that could have changed the course of my life. Each question has a story, and they’re all true. They’re all supported by my faith and biblical principles as a guideline to a successful way of life.
Q. How did you embark on this journey of pursuing music?
Jean Johnson: As a child music became real to me through family and friends. By way of performances, church, sharing, and just listening continually and still is a part of my daily life.
Q. What exactly is the ritual or process that you follow in daily life in order to stay creative?
Jean Johnson: My morning starts with prayer and meditation on the written word of God. Asking God for help with everything. Knowing that I can’t do anything without him. The outcome is always greater than what I expected.

Q. Personally, what motivates you and what inspires you in life?
Jean Johnson: It all depends because for me it’s not always from the same source or direction. Situations breed inspiration for new situations. People and music inspire me for sure.
Q. Who has been a major influence in your life?
Jean Johnson: Momma and Deddy my parents have been the major influence in my life. Had they not supported me with words of encouragement, wisdom, biblical guidance, prayer and finances, I could not have survived. And of course my friend Jesus.
Q. Any tips or advice for aspiring young singers/artists?
Jean Johnson: Be yourself. Support yourself and others. Respect those who were there before you. Wait to be asked. Don’t go into a situation with all and the only answers. Pay your dues with a little and earn your way to more. Be thankful and grateful in every situation. Get a second or third career.
Remember, if you break the back of the one that is ahead of you by stepping on them, you will no longer have support under your feet. Then you will fall beneath what was your support. Keep a good attitude. Keep the faith. Practice, education is very important.
The Jean Johnson Story is an inspiring and educational documentary showcasing the life and career of 2x Grammy-nominated singer, Jean Johnson. With two Grammy nominations under her belt, Jean has worked with some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry, including Michael Jackson, Andrae Crouch, Madonna, and Elton John.
Q. How was it working with artists like Michael Jackson, Elton John and Madonna? Any plans for collaboration with other artists?
Jean Johnson: Working with Michael, Elton and Madonna was incredible, amazing, rewarding, successful, and unforgettable. I have a story for each of them. I love them and always cherish and protect my experience. As for plans for collaboration with other artist, I’m open for more.
Q. What lies ahead for you in the coming years? What next? Any hints for new projects for your fans?
Jean Johnson: I hope and pray that this year and in the coming years I will have everything that is needed to inspire, teach, and support children of all ages that love music to pursue, achieve and own the sounds inside of them.
I’m also embarking on recording my own music, and hear what the people think.

Q. Lastly, do you have any closing thoughts that you would like to share with the world and our readers?
Jean Johnson: Matthew 6:33 and forgive.
About the documentary: The documentary will reveal the truth about the entertainment industry and how Jean’s dedication to God has guided her path to success. Through her story, viewers will be inspired to stay true to their beliefs, no matter the obstacles they may face. The release date for “The Jean Johnson Story” is January 31, 2023. To catch a glimpse of what’s in store, the trailer is available at the bottom of Jean Johnson’s YouTube page.
For more information on the Power of Positive Music Movement, visit their website at popmm.org. To stay updated on their latest projects, follow @popmmovement on social media.