Chelsea Alana

Interview with Chelsea Alana, author of ‘Passions To Profit’

With her wealth of industry experience, Chelsea Alana continues to empower and inspire countless individuals to transform their dreams into profitable realities.

8 mins read

Today, we invite you to join our captivating conversation with Chelsea Alana, a powerhouse socialite from Westchester who’s turned her love for blogging into a lucrative career as a social media influencer. From freelance gossip blogger to a significant voice in the fashion and beauty industry, her journey is as inspiring as it is instructive. Come along as we explore her experiences and discover the art of transforming passion into profit.

1. Welcome to Just American News! what’s the one key takeaway you hope readers will gain from your book Passions To Profit?

One key takeaway readers will gain from my book is that losing will always teach you more than winning. I realized that once something is successful you get complacent. And that’s something an influencer should never be. You should never rely on anything staying the same. Not your brand deals, not your engagement, not your follower count. Knowing that you need to start each day from 0 and use your losses to guide you to make a win by the end of the day.

2. You have managed to turn your creative content on social media into a profitable venture. Could you share some tips on how others can monetize their creativity?

The best tip advice on how to monetize any platform is to ASK FOR THE MONEY! Closed mouths don’t get fed and a lot of people are under the thought process that influencers sit around and wait for $1000 brand deals to pop into their inbox. A lot of relationships are built by people reaching out to offer a service. If you have a brand you heavily advocate for and you feel passionate about, reach out to them and simply request a partnership. if they reject you, ask why. Ask what you could do better as a content creator to be able to work with them, trust they will appreciate the enthusiasm and they will respond. A lot of influencer managers that have rejected me in the past, have put me on PR listings to receive free products and free entry to events simply because I was persistent on having a relationship with them even if I didn’t get the collaboration I was looking for.

3. Can you name some authors who have influenced your writing style or your career as a social media influencer?

To be honest, there are not a lot of authors I know of that have written about social media from a standpoint similar to my own however I do have a list of favorite authors I like to read to get inspired or grounded when I am feeling overwhelmed; Dr. Dara Goldberg, Brianna Wiest, Robyn Conley Downs and Sista Soulja!

4. With your financial success, you’ve undoubtedly become an inspiration for many. How do you feel about being a role model and what message would you like to give to those who look up to you?

I hate the term “role model”. I grew up in a very religious family so we were not allowed to idolize anyone or attempt to become an idol. I look at myself more like a ‘vessel’ Most influencers act as if they are above others due to a follower count or a blue check, I don’t want to be seen as someone’s competition but more like PROOF that it can be done. Making over 6 figures a year from social media with less than 100,000 followers is a lot easier than more people are aware of. I want people to look at me as a blueprint and use me to get themselves out of the rat race. Finding their own niche and audience to create something that gives to people.

5. How has the industry of social media influencing changed over the course of your career? Where do you see it heading in the future?

For Women of Color, the industry has changed greatly. By default or divine, a lot of brands feel obligated to work with women of color to showcase to their customers that they are “all-inclusive” In the time of social media influencing, being a “minority’ in any sense of the word is the thing to be and helps you get through the door way faster than before. However, for the future, I’ve seen a shift since the pandemic. Showing black faces in advertisements is not enough, people want to buy black, buy Latinx, buy LGBQ+, buy from their own.

6. What are some goals or projects you are looking forward to in the near future? Can your followers anticipate any new ventures or collaborations?

Some long-term goal I have is the start doing conferences that will have various courses for people to take in person to connect and learn from various influencers on upcoming brand deal projects to different ways of shooting content. But for now, I will be dropping monthly EBOOKS on how to become a Successful UGC Creator, How to turn your social media into an LLC to receive funding for your business, and many more along the way.

About the author: Chelsea Alana is a renowned beauty and fashion blogger, social media expert, and author hailing from the vibrant city of New York. With an innate passion for all things style and a keen eye for trends, Chelsea has established herself as a prominent figure in the influencer industry. Her book serves as a practical guide for aspiring micro-influencers, providing them with a roadmap to turning their passions into profitable ventures. Through personal anecdotes, expert advice, and actionable tips, she unveils the strategies that enabled her to collaborate with renowned brands and secure a passive income stream. “Passions to Profit” equips readers with the knowledge and tools to emulate their favorite influencers, create meaningful partnerships, and build a sustainable career in the competitive realm of digital media.

Her book is available on Amazon: Passions To Profit

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