Mohamed Awad, Marketing Manager at Laverde Developments, Top Marketer at RE/MAX Egypt 2019,2020, Consultant for many real estate companies in Egypt, and board member of Penguins Property Management Egypt, said that the Agents turn to Tik Tok and Reels to list properties in the Real estate Egypt Market in 2022.
While real estate agents are still key in the home buying process, buyers are increasingly looking to do more leg work online before involving the experts.
So agents used anyway to reach clients the internet, they used Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Native Ads, Twitter, Snapchat, Youtube, and listing websites like property finder, Olx, and aqarmap but recently used Tik Tok and Reels because it has powerful effect of buyers especially if it comedy it will be viral fast.
But the big mistake they did that they target A+ just millionaires, So the last piece of advice agents remember your clients need to have a good experience with your voice image, website, appearance, and everything you did not only millionaires too but anyone who needs to buy a new home.